Do I Need to Pay a Retainer When I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Be prepared.

It is a saying that applies to just about every type of life circumstance. Although you hear the phrase most often when responding to a natural disaster, it also has relevance when it comes to hiring a car accident lawyer. You might not need a personal injury lawyer who specializes in car accidents to help you today. However, there is a good chance you will need the legal support of a car accident lawyer tomorrow.

Being prepared to address the legal consequences of an automobile collision involves hiring a car accident lawyer on retainer. Although you do not need to pay a retainer to hire a personal injury lawyer, hiring legal counsel on a retainer ensures you receive prompt legal support.

What is a Legal Retainer for a Car Accident Lawyer?

A legal retainer is a legal fee paid upfront to receive future legal support. The legal fee paid upfront does not cover a specific type of service provided by a personal injury lawyer. For example, you do not pay a retainer fee to a car accident lawyer to represent you during a civil trial that seeks monetary damages. Instead, a retainer fee provides you with the right to request legal support in case you get involved in an auto crash. If you sustained injuries as the result of a car accident, having a personal injury lawyer on retainer significantly speeds up the insurance claim process.

Retainer fees differ in value and the types of legal support provided. You have the option to pay a one-time flat retainer fee or an hourly rate that allows you to receive a wide variety of legal services. The key is paying a retainer fee gives you immediate access to a car accident lawyer after a motor vehicle collision.

Why is Paying a Retainer Fee Important to Receive Help With an Insurance Claim?

Not all car accidents require the same types of legal support. However, you can expect to deal with an insurance company in the aftermath of an auto crash. The most common reason to pay a retainer fee to a car accident lawyer concerns getting through the insurance claim process.

A personal injury attorney who specializes in car accident cases acts as an intermediary between you and the insurance adjuster. Insurance companies love it when policyholders do not gain legal representation during the claim process. With a car accident lawyer acting as your intermediary, you can rest assured that your best financial interests are taken care of during the entire insurance claim process. Another benefit of having a personal injury lawyer acting as an intermediary is it allows you to focus on other important issues, such as recovering from the injuries sustained because of a car accident.

Time is critical right after a motor vehicle collision, mostly because you need to gather convincing physical evidence to submit an insurance claim. Hiring a car accident lawyer on retainer provides you with quick access to someone who conducts an immediate investigation. The faster you complete a thorough investigation, the more likely the insurance company processing your claim approves it. In addition, paying a retainer fee to a car accident lawyer helps you negotiate a settlement, which allows you to avoid the costly and time-consuming litigation process.