How Long Does It Take For a Car Accident Attorney to Get Results?
As a victim of a car accident, you must follow a series of steps to improve your chances of getting the compensation that you deserve to pay off medical bills. You also need money to pay for property damage and the income lost because your injuries forced you out of work.
The first step involves calling 911 to alert the nearest law enforcement agency as to where the car accident took place. Law enforcement officers arrive at the accident scene to secure the area, as well as conduct a thorough investigation that leads to the filing of the official police report. Next, you should receive medical care to treat, as well as develop a plan to rehabilitate your injuries. The third step involves obtaining the contact information of witnesses and taking photos of the accident scene to acquire persuasive physical evidence. Finally, you should schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced personal injury attorney to prepare an insurance claim and determine whether you have a strong enough case to file a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages.
With bills piling up fast and no income coming in to pay the bills, how long does it take for a car accident attorney to get results? The answer is it depends on one or more of the following factors.
Time It Takes to Complete an Investigation
Unless you got involved in a minor fender bender, a law enforcement agency conducts an extensive investigation that helps your personal injury lawyer discover two important answers. The official police report defines the cause of the car accident and whether another party should assume legal liability for causing you harm. Although the investigation conducted by the appropriate law enforcement agency should not take more than a couple of days, filing the official police report can take several days to a few weeks depending on the complexity of your case.
Processing an Insurance Claim
Before you contact an insurance company, you should first speak with a state-licensed personal injury lawyer to receive advice on how to file the most convincing claim. Insurance companies prefer to deal with policyholders who do not retain legal representation. The more complicated the vehicle collision, the longer it takes for an insurance adjuster to issue a decision regarding a claim. One of the most important reasons to hire a car accident lawyer concerns the tendency of insurance adjusters to delay processing claims. With an experienced personal injury attorney providing legal support, you should receive a decision on your claim in a timely manner.
Unless you need to file an appeal to overturn a denied claim, you should get approved for compensation no longer than two months after filing your claim.
The Litigation Process
If your personal injury attorney can prove the presence of the four elements of negligence, you might have a strong enough case to file a civil lawsuit that seeks monetary damages. The litigation process can drag on for several months or even longer if the judicial docket is backlogged with pending lawsuits. However, your car accident lawyer can ask the other party to negotiate a settlement, which can significantly decrease the amount of time it takes for your attorney to get results.
Your lawyer submits a reasonable offer that the other party can accept or reject. If the other party rejects your initial offer, you might receive a counteroffer or both parties agree to prepare for the trial phase of the litigation process.